Our emphasis on science ensures success with the highest standards. Aerobiological Solutions Inc (ASI) been engaged in microbial investigations and remediation in the Washington DC area since 1997.
Along the way, we have seen technologies come and go as science or business principles have shifted. We have acted as remediation contractors and consultants at different times according to client needs while avoiding conflicts of interest.
Science and integrity matter when you are dealing with serious issues that can impact health, property value and/or liability. Every customer is important - whether they are a medical referral client, subject of law suits, concerned property owner / occupant, or prospective real estate buyer.
Nobody is an expert in all areas of science. We have associates to address engineering or medical issues. Professional opinions are based on scientifically valid literature, professional experience or legal experience.
We respect our customer's privacy since we are hired under circumstances that are generally sensitive for social conversation. Many consultants do not know they are also subject to HIPAA privacy rules or may cause economic harm to a customer's property value.
We carry professional insurance and gladly give customers a copy on request. We have nothing to hide and take pride in the fact we can obtain this hard to get insurance for microbial consulting work and expert witness work in law suits. Our insurance broker is Legends Environmental Insurance Services, LLC (www.legends-enviro.com). Our insurance carrier is American Safety Risk Retention Group, Inc. Our company is listed on the American Council of Accredited Certifications website under insured companies (https://www.acac.org/find/database.aspx). The American Council of Accredited Certifications is accredited by the Council of Engineering & Scientific Specialties Boards (https://www.acac.org/about/accreditation.aspx and https://www.cesb.org/accredited-programs).
We try to find a way to help clients find affordable alternatives compared to some traditional remediation methods which may not be beneficial. Although we do not engage in microbial remediation anymore, we can help clients and contractors find middle ground so they both reach their objectives in a fair manner.
Greg Weatherman is the main point of contact for consulting services. He is a Certified Microbial Consultant (https://www.acac.org/find/database.aspx) independently board awarded by the American Council of Accredited Certifications (www.acac.org) formerly known as the American Indoor Air Quality Council. Greg authored Chapter 24 "Testing & Remediation" in Surviving Mold (Ritchie Shoemaker MD - 2010).
This chapter is written from the perspective of what goes wrong in consulting and contracting for indoor microbial problems for sensitive populations. Although there is a general argument of defining those who are sensitive versus the so-called normal person, our belief is anyone suffering health problems to mold and bacteria is sensitive whether the situation is allergic, toxic or pathogenic. We have experience with customers who suffer from chemical sensitivities or multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS).